I am grateful to the citizens of Catawba County for trusting me to represent their interests during my tenure on the board. I pledge that I will use both my experience and energy to assure that the board focuses on cost effective county services, supports a positive environment for new and existing businesses , continues to identify innovative solutions that will improve our quality of life, and promotes today’s students for tomorrow’s jobs. I will work to support the “Economic Competitive Plan” which will determine where Catawba County is going and how it will get there. I will also be involved in the “Food and Sustainability Plan” to stimulate agriculture, keep farmers farming and searching for new opportunities to market agricultures products. I will work hard to serve every citizen and spend your tax dollars wisely. Catawba County your home, my home, our future. I would appreciate your vote. I can be reached at 828-320-0370 or by email at bgbeatty@charter.net. Thank you.